Sunday, March 27, 2011

Half Way There!

So it has been awhile since my last post....I had a five week break between my ultrasound appointments.  I am now 20 weeks and 1 day today!!  Yea, half way there :-)  We are getting ready for Portia's arrival....we have cleared out the two front rooms to consolidate stuff so we can have a nursery! We just picked up her furniture this weekend, her bedding is in the making (courtesy of my mom and grandma), and we have started to get items from her registry!  We have been so blessed!  I don't have any new ultrasound pictures to post....she was being shy this ultrasound, keeping her back and butt to the screen the entire time. But she is doing great!  We did our big 20 week ultrasound last week, with all the measurements, and everything is looking great!  I have been feeling her move around more frequently, which is so neat, and Bill got to feel her move for the first time today!  He is soo excited!  Below are some pictures of me and Portia at 19 and 20 weeks.  The second one is from my best friend, Heather's baby shower this past Saturday.  She is at 33 weeks and I'm at 20 weeks.  She's having a girl also, so they will be best friends :-)  More to come soon!