Saturday, June 25, 2011

Week 32 and Counting......

Right before our 32 week appointment, I found out that I have gestational diabetes.  Which stinks, but I am thankful it is something with me, that I can control, and nothing wrong with Portia.  I will have to go to a nutrition consultant to get on a strict meal plan and then I will have to check my blood sugar levels 4x a day!  And hopefully moving forward everything will continue to go well.

Our 32 week appointment was on June 20th.  Everything looks good, but the excess fluid is still there and Dr. Nilson took updated measurements of Portia, and she is measuring at 35 weeks and weighs 5.6 lbs already!!!!  Yea that's baby is huge already!  And you can tell in the ultrasound pics because she is a chubby monkey :-)  With gestational diabetes, the babies grow bigger and faster....I started the meal plan this week and I am really hoping that it will help with her weight gain.  LOL I would really like to do a natural birth but now I am super nervous that she may be a 9-10 lb baby.

We go back to the doctor on July 1st, pray that the meal plan is healing and Portia's weight is maintained :-)

30 Weeks!!!!!

Our 30 week appointment was on June 6th and some things have changed.....good news is my placenta previa is no longer a concern, it finally moved up, but there are some new concerns.  Dr. Nilson found that there was excess fluid around Portia, which could mean a few different things.  1.  I may have gestational diabetes (I did pass my one hour test) 2.  Something is wrong with Portia, like with her kidneys or intestinal/digestive tract or 3. It could be nothing at all.  90 % of the time it is nothing at all, but to say the least, it wasn't a very exciting appointment, but we did get great ultrasound pictures!  The next step we have to take is I have to go in for a 3 hour glucose test and depending on the results we would move forward from there.  Please keep me and Portia in your prayers!!

And these ultrasound pictures...Portia's eyes are open!!  It's amazing!

Baby Shower #2

At the beginning of June we had Portia's second baby shower.  It was hosted by Ashley at my parents house.  It was a lot of fun and it was soo good to see everyone!  Portia got soo many great things...tons of bows, her bedding, tons of clothes, and all kinds of essential goodies.  We are so thankful to such great friends and family.