Sunday, January 30, 2011

Approaching the End of my First Trimester

I'm excited to be on the verge of heading into my second trimester! :-)  Baby Bennett is definitely growing.  I don't think I have a cute baby bump yet....LOL it just looks like I ate too many donuts :-)  At our 11 week 3 days ultrasound Baby Bennett measured at 2 inches!  And this ultrasound was my favorite so far.....Dr. Nilson is 97% sure Baby Bennett is a girl!!!  She was soo excited during this ultrasound, she was bouncing around like crazy!  So we had the chance to see her head, back, bottom, hands, and feet.  So amazing!  She already has such a personality!  We have decided on a girl's name, Portia Faith....still thinking, but pretty sure that is what we will go with.

Baby Bennett is Starting to Look Like a Baby

At our 3rd ultrasound at the beginning of January, just 2 weeks later, the growth of Baby Bennett was sooo amazing!  It's starting to look like a baby!  Baby Bennett is now 1.79 cm!  Almost triple the size of the last ultrasound!  We feel so blessed to receive an ultrasound every visit because seeing the growth every few weeks is just incredible!  We got our 1st 4d ultrasound, which was pretty neat, and the baby's heartbeat was 182 beats per minute.  Dr. Nilson said I should go ahead and paint the walls pink :-)

The Most Amazing Sound in the World!

We went back for our second ultrasound 2 weeks later and we got to hear Baby Bennett's heartbeat!  It was the most amazing thing to hear!  It was beating so fast!  117 beats per minute.

First Ultrasound

Our first ultrasound was at 4 weeks 3 days to confirm.....and sure enough a baby peanut was inside!!  So amazing to see a little thing like that turn into a baby!  What an amazing God we serve!

The Best Christmas Present

This year Christmas came early for us.  On Monday, December 6th we found out that we were having a baby!  I went in for blood work on Friday and didn't hear anything that afternoon, so I really didn't think much about it.  Then Dr. Nilson called me at 7:30 am on Monday with the best news ever! I was pregnant!!  I couldn't believe it!  Bill and I had been praying for this day for over a year!  With the past year's struggles of unsuccessful fertility treatments, we knew this baby was a true gift from God!